Abbreviations in Electrical & Electronics Engineering

µ (micro)
µA (micro Ampere)
µC (micro Controller)
µH (micro Henry)
µP (micro Processor)
µV (micro Volt)
µW (micro Watt)
16QAM (16-state quadrature amplitude modulation)
2D (2 dimensions)
3D (3 dimensions)
64QAM (64-state quadrature amplitude modulation)
8DPSK (8-state differential phase shift keying)
A (Ampere, Amp)
A (Anode)
A/D (Analog to Digital)
AC (Alternating current)
AC/DC (Alternating current or direct current)
ACT (Active)
AD (Analog to Digital)
ADC (Analog to digital converter)
AES Advanced Encryption Standard
AFC (Automatic Flow Controller)
AFC (Automatic Frequency Control)
AFT (Automatic fine tuning)
AGC (Automatic gain control)
AGPS (Assisted (or Aided) GPS)
AI (Analog Input)
AI (Artificial Intelligence)
AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group)
ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit)
AMOLED (Active-Matrix Organic Light-Emitting Diode)
AMP (Amplifier)
ANSI (the U.S. American National Standards Institute)
AO (Analog Output)
AoA (Angle of arrival)
AOI (Automatic Optical Inspection)
AP (Access Point)
APFC (Active Power Factor Correction)
API (Application Program Interface)
API (Application Programming Interface)
ARM (Advanced Reduced instruction set computing Machine)
ASIC (An Application-Specific Integrated Circuit)
ASP (Application Service Provider)
AT ( AT Attachment)
ATAPI (AT Attachment Packet Interface)
AUTOSAR (Automotive Open System Architecture [])
AV (Audio/video)
AV (Average)
AVDD (Analog Power)
B (Base)
B (Battery)
BAT (Batteries)
BER (Bit error rate)
BGA (Ball Grid Array)
BiCMOS (Bidirectional CMOS)

BJT (Bipolar Junction transistor)
BL (Boot Loader)
BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy)
BOD (Brown-Out Detector)
BOD (Brown-Out-Detection)
BOM (Bill Of Material)
BOM (Bill Of Materials)
BOP (Begin of Process)
BOP (Begin Of Project)
bps (bit per second)
BQR (Build Quality Report)
BSM (Body Control Module)
BSW (Basic Software)
BSW AUTOSAR  (Basic Software Automotive Open System Architecture [])
C (Capacitor)
C (Cathode)
C (Collector)
CA (Conditional Access)
CA (Criticality Analysis)
CAD (Computer-Aided Design)
CAM (Conditional Access Module)
CAN (Controller Area Network)
CAPAD (Capacitors Non Polarized Axial Diameter Horizontal Mounting)
CAPADV (Capacitors Non Polarized Axial Diameter Vertical Mounting)
CAPAE (Capacitor Aluminum Electrolytic)
CAPAR (Capacitors Non Polarized Axial Rectangular)
CAPARV (Capacitors Non Polarized Axial Rect. Vertical Mounting)
CAPC (Capacitor Chip Non-polarized)
CAPCAF (Capacitor Chip Array Flat)
CAPCAV (Capacitor Chip Array Concave)
CAPCP (Capacitor Chip Polarized)
CAPCWR (Capacitor Chip Wire Rectangle)
CAPM (Capacitor Molded Non-polarized)
CAPMP (Capacitor Molded Polarized)
CAPPA (Capacitors Polarized Axial Diameter Horizontal Mounting)
CAPPRD (Capacitors Polarized Radial Diameter)
CAPRB (Capacitors Non Polarized Radial Disk Button Vertical)
CAPRD (Capacitors Non Polarized Radial Diameter)
CAPRR Capacitors Non Polarized Radial Rectangular Vertical
CAS (Conditional Access System)
CBC (Cipher Block Chaining mode)
CC (Cable Card)
CCIPCA (Candid Covariance Free Incremental Principal Component Analysis)
CCN (Connected Car Networking)
CDR (Concept Design Review)
CEM (Central Electronic Module)
CFM (Cubic Feet per Minute)
CFP (Ceramic Flat Package)
CFT (Cross Function Test)
CI (Common Interface protocol)
CiA (CAN in Automation, see also CAN)
CIS (Component Information System)
CLK (Clock)
CLKIN (Clock In)
CLKOUT (Clock Output)
CM (Multimedia Codec Manager)
CMOS (Complementary Metal – Oxide Semiconductor)
CMRR (Common Mode Rejection Ratio)
CN (Connector)
CON (Connector)
CONV (Converters)
COR (Cranking Operative Range)
CPP (Critical process parameter)
CPPs (Critical process parameters)
CPU (Central Processing Unit)
CQFP (Ceramic Quad Flat Packages)
CQM (Component Qualification Matrix)
CR (Change Request)
CR (Crystal)
CS (Chip Select)
CSA (Common Scrambling Algorithm)
CSA (Current-Sense Amplifier)
CSL (Coordinated Sample Listing)
CSU (Cost Split Up)
CSV (Clock Supervisor)
CTE (Coefficient of Thermal Expansion)
CVBS (Color Video Blanking and Sync)
D (Detection)
D (Diode)
D (Drain)
D&D (Design and Development)
D/A (Digital to Analog)
DA ( Digital to Analog)
DAC (Digital to Analog Converter)
DBS (Dual-band simultaneous)
DC (Diagnostic Coverage)
DC (Direct Current)
DDR (Double Data RAM)
DDR (Double Data Rate)
DeCap (Decoupling Capacitor)
DES (Data Encryption Standard)
DFA (Design For Assembly)
DFHP (Device-Free Human Presence)
DFM (Design For Manufacturing)
DFMEA (Design FMEA see FMEA)
DFN (Dual Flat No-lead)
DFSS (Design For Six Sigmas)
DI (data Input)
DI (Digital Input)
DIA (Development Interface Agreement)
DIOAD (Diodes Axial Diameter Horizontal)
DIOADV (Diodes Axial Diameter Vertical)
DIOB (Bridge Rectifier)
DIOC (Diode Chip)
DIOM (Diode Molded)
DIOMELF (Diode metal electrode leadless face melf)
DIOSC (Diode Side Concave)
DIP (Dual-in-Line Package)
DIPS (Dual-In-Line Sockets)
DK (Development Kit)
DMA (Direct Memory Access)
DMAC (Direct Memory Access Controller)
DMTP (Design Master Test Plan)
DNC (Do Not Connect)
DO (Data Output)
DO (Digital Output)
DQM (Delta Qualification Matrix)
DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory)
DRBFM (Design Review Based on Failure Mode)
DRM (Digital Rights Management)
DRR (Design Review Report)
DS (Data Sheet)
DSL (Digital Subscriber Line)
DSP (Digital signal processor)
DTC (Development Test Concept)
DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Code)
DTCP-IP (Digital Transmission Content Protection over Internet Protocol)
DTE (Data Terminal Equipment)
DTP (Data To Production)
DTV (Digital TeleVision)
DUT (Device Under Test)
DV (Design Validation)
DV (Design Verification)
DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting)
DVB-C (Digital Video Broadcasting – Cable)
DVB-S (Digital Video Broadcasting – Satellite)
DVB-S2 (Digital Video Broadcasting – Satellite Second Generation)
DVB-T (Digital Video Broadcasting – Terrestrial)
DVB-T2 (Digital Video Broadcasting – Second Generation Terrestrial)
DVDD (Digital Power)
DVM (Design Verification Method)
DVM Design Verification Method
DVP (Design Validation Plan)
e (electron)
E (Emitter)
E (Energy)
E/E System (Electrical and/or Electronic System)
E2LP (Embedded Engineering Learning Platform)
EBOM (Engineering Bill Of Material)
ECAD (Electronic Computer-Aided Design)

ECB (Electronic Codebook mode)
ECDM (Electronic Component Data Management)
ECM (Electrochemical Migration)
ECM (Entitlement Control Management)
ECO (Engineering change orders)
ECO (External Crystal Oscillator)
ECU (Electronic Control Unit)
EDA (Electronic Design Automation)
EDC (Error Detection-correction Codes)
EDLC (Electric Double-Layer Capacitors)
EDR (Enhanced data rate)
EDS (Electrical Distribution System)
EE (Electrical Engineer)
EEPM (Electrical Energy and Power Management)
EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory)
EGNOS (European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service)
EIA (Electronic Industries Alliance)
Electrolytic Ni /Au (Electrolytic Nickel / Gold)
EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility)
EMI (Electromagnetic interference)
EMM (Entitlement Management Message)
eMMC (Embedded Multimedia Card)
EN (Enable)
ENG (Engineer)
ENIG (Electroless Nickel-Immersion Gold)
ENIP (Electroless Nickel-Immersion Palladium)
EOL (End Of Line)
EOLT (End Of Line Test)
EOT (Emergency Operation Time)
ESC (Equivalent Series Capacitance)
ESCL (Electronic Steering Column Lock)
ESD (Electrostatic Discharge)
ESD (Electro-Static Discharge)
ESL (Equivalent Series Inductance)
ESOW (Engineering Statement Of Work)
ESR (Equivalent Series Resistance)
ETH (Ethernet)
ETM (Embedded Trace Macrocell)
ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute)
EV (Electrical Vehicles)
EVM (Error Vector Magnitude)
EVM (EValuation Module)
Ext (External)
F (Farad)
f (Frequency)
F (Frequency)
FAA (Federal Aviation Administration)
FB (Ferrite Bead)
FCI (Framatome Connectors International)
FET (Field Effect Transistor)
FIC (Function Importance Classification)
FIFO (First In First Out)
FIL (Filters)
FIT (Failure In Time)
FLL (Frequency-Locked Loop)
FM (Failure Mode)
FMC (FPGA Mezzanine Card)
FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis)
FMEA (Failure Modes and Effects Analysis)
FMECA (Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis)
FMEDA (Failure Modes, Effects and Diagnostic Analysis)
FMMEA (Failure Modes, Mechanisms and Effect Analysis)
FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array)
FSC (Function Status Classification)
FSC (Functional Safety Concept)
FTA (Failure Tree Analyze)
FTA (Fault Tree Analysis)
FTTI (Fault Tolerant Time Interval)
FUS (Fuse)
FUSER (Fuses Resettable)
FUSM (Fuse Molded)
G (Gate)
G (Giga)
GDOP (Geometric Dilution of Precision)
GLONASS (Global Navigation Satellite System)
GND (Electrical Ground)
GND (Ground)
GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System)
GPIO (General Purpose Input Output)
GPS (Global Positioning System)
GPT (General Purpose Timer)
GUI (Graphic User Interface)
H (Henry)
h (hour)
H&R (Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment)
HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer)
HASL (Hot Air Solder Level)
HD (High Definition)
HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface)
HDR (Header Connectors)
HDR (Header)
HDRRA (Header Right Angle)
HDRV (Header Vertical)
HDTV (High Definition TV)
HEV (Hybrid Electrical Vehicles)
HiZ (High Impedance)
HMI (Human Machine Interface)
HPC (High Pin Count)
HPM (High Power Mode)
HS (High Speed)
HS CAN (High Speed Controller Area Network)
HSD (High Side Driver)
HSDPA (High Speed Downlink Packet Access)
HSI (Hardware Software Interface)
HSIC (High Speed Inter Chip)
HSINK (Heat Sink)
HSIS (Hardware Software Interface Sheet)
HSIS (Hardware Software Interface Specification)
HSSD (High Side Switch Driver)
HSUPA (High Speed Uplink Packet Access)
HV (High Voltage)
HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning)
HVD (High-Voltage-Detection)
HW (Hardware)
HWA (Hardware Architect)
HWL (Hazard Warning Light)
HYS (Hysteresis)
I (Current)
I/O (Input Output)
I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit)
I2S (Inter-IC Sound)
Ib (Base Current)
Ic (Collector Current)
IC (Integrated Circuit)
ICU (Input Capture Unit)
ID (Drain Current)
Id (Drain Current)
IDE (Integrated Drive Electronics)
Ie (Emitter Current)
IE (Emitter Current)
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
IF (Interface)
Ig (Gate Current)
IG (Gate Current)
IINV (Inverse Current)
IL (Load Current)
ILO (Internal Low-speed Oscillator)
Imm Ag (Immersion Silver)
Imm Sn (Immersion Tin)
IMO (Internal Main Oscillator)
IN (Input)
IND (Inductor)
INDAD (Inductor Axial Diameter Horizontal Mounting)
INDADV (Inductor Axial Diameter Vertical Mounting)
INDC (Inductor Chip)
INDCAF (Inductor Chip Array Flat)
INDCAV (Inductor Chip Array Concave)
INDM (Inductor Molded)
INDP (Inductor Precision Wire Wound)
INDRD (Inductors Radial Diameter)
Int (Internal)
IO (Input Output)
IoE (Internet of Everything)
IoT (Internet of Things)
IP (Intellectual Property)
IP (Internet Protocol)
IPC (Interconnecting and packaging electronic Circuit)
IR (Infra Red)
Is (Source Current)
ISO (International Standardization Organization)
ISP (Internet service provider)
J (Joule)
JESD (JEDEC standards)
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
JTAG (Joint Test Action Group is the common name for the IEEE 1149.1 Standard Test Access Port, Boundary-Scan Architecture, and interface for debug tools for on-chip debug inside the target MCU)
JTAG (Joint Test Action Group)
JUMP (Jumper)
k (kilo)
kb (kilobit)
KB (Kilobyte)
kbps (kilobits per second)
kg (kilogram)
kJ (KiloJoule)
KL (German abbreviation for Klemme, Eng. Contact in the vehicle)
KL15 (is position #2 (on) of ignition switch in the vehicle)
KL30 (is battery positive contact, connected all the time in the vehicle)
KL31 (is battery negative contact, connected all the time in the vehicle)
KL50 (is position #3 (start) of ignition switch in the vehicle)
KLR (means position #1 (accessory) of ignition switch in the vehicle)
kPa (kilopascal)
kW (Kilowatt)
kWh (kilowatt hour)
L (Inductor)
L (Least Material Condition (Level C) IPC-7351B Suffix Naming Convention for Footprints)
L (Load)
LC (Logical Component)
LCC (Quad Leadless Ceramic Chip Carrier)
LCCS (Quad Leadless Ceramic Chip Carrier)
LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)
LCD (Liquid-crystal display)
LCDB (Library Component DataBase)
LCM (Lighting Connectivity Module)
LED (Light-emitting diode)
LEDM (LED Molded)
LEDSC (LED Side Concave)
LF (Low Frequency)
LFM (Latent Fault Metric)
LFM (Linear Feet per Minute)
LGA (Land Grid Array)
LIN (Local Interconnect Network)
LLC (Leadless Chip Carrier)
LNA (Low Noise Amplifier)
LOI (Letter Of Intent)
LPC (Low Pin Count)
LPCM (Linear pulse-code modulation)

LPM (Low Power Mode)
LPRF (Low Power RF)
LSB (Least Significant Bit)
LSB (Low Significant Bit)
LSD (Low Side Driver)
LSR (Launch Status Report)
LSSD (Low Side Switch Driver)
LTE (Long-Term Evolution)
LTI (Lead Tip Inspection)
LTT (Life Time Test)
LV (Low Voltage)
LVD (Low Voltage Detector)
LVD (Low Voltage Directive)
LVD (Low-Voltage-Detection)
M (mega)
m (milli)
M (Most Material Condition (Level A) IPC-7351B Suffix Naming Convention for Footprints)
M (Motor)
M2M (Machine to Machine)
mA (milli Ampere)
MAC (Media Access Control. Component independent from communication medium.)
max (maximum)
MCAD (Mechanical Computer-Aided Design)
MCS (Microcontroller Configuration Sheet)
MCU (Micro Controller Unit)
MCWDT (Multi-Counter Watchdog Timer)
MDIO (Management Data Input Output)
ME (Mechanical Engineer)
mF (milli Farad)
MFST (Multi Functional Smartphone Terminal)
mH (milli Henry)
MIB (Management Information Base)
MIC (Microphone)
MICTOS (MICronas TV Operating System)
MII (Media Independent Interface)
min (minimum)
MISO (Master Input Slave Output)
MJ (MegaJoule)
MLCC (Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors)
MMC (MultiMediaCard)
MMP (MultiMedia Player)
MMU (Memory Management Unit)
mOhm (milli Ohm)
MOS (Metal Oxide Semiconductor)
MOSFET (Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor)
MOSI (Master Output Slave Input)
MOST (Media Oriented Systems Transport)
MOT (Motor)
MPEG (Motion Picture Experts Group)
MRDY (Master Ready)
MSB (Most Significant Bit)
MSD (Mass Storage Device)
MSD (Moisture sensitive device)
MSL (Moisture Sensitivity Level)
MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure)
MTP (Master Test Plan)
MTSAT (Multifunctional Transport Satellites)
mV (milli Volt)
MW (Megawatt)
mW (milli Watt)
MWh (Megawatt hour)
n (nano)
n (neutron)
N (Nominal Material Condition (Level B) IPC-7351B Suffix Naming Convention for Footprints)
N.A. (Not Available)
N/A (Not applicable)
NA (Network Analyzer)
Nagra PRM (Nagra Media Persistent Rights Management)
NC (No Connection)
NFC (Near Field Communication)
NFND (Not For New Design)
nH (nano Henry)
NIM (Network Interface Module)
NM (Not Mounted)
NMEA (National Marine Electronics Association)
NMOS (N-channel  Metal Oxide Semiconductor)
nom (nominal)
NPTH (Non Plated Through Hole)
NSC (National Semiconductor)
NTC (Negative Temperature Coefficient)
NTSC (National Television System Committee)
NVRAM (Non-Volatile Random Access Memory)
OC (Open Collector)
OC (Over Current)
OCD (Over-Current-Detection)
OD (Open Drain)
OD (Outside Diameter)
ODVA (Open Device Net Vendors Association)
OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer)
OHM (Resistance)
OL (Open Load)
OL (Over Load)
OMAC (One-key Message Authentication Code)
OPAMP (Operation Amplifier)
OPTO (Opto Isolator)
ORM (Opportunity and Risk Management)
OS (Operating System)
OSC (Oscillator)
OSCCC (Oscillator Corner Concave)
OSCJ (Oscillator J-Lead)
OSCL (Oscillator L-Bend Lead)
OSCSC (Oscillator Side Concave)
OSI (Open Systems Interconnection)
OSP (Organic Solderability Preservative)
OT (Over Temperature)
OTG (On-The-Go)
OUT (Output)
OV (Over Voltage)
OVD (Over Voltage Detection)
OVD (Over-Voltage-Detection)
P (Pascal)
p (pico)
P (Power)
P (Probability)
p (proton)
PA (Power amplifier)
PAB (Purchasing Automotive Board)
PAD (Process Application Definition)
PADS (Personal Automated Design System)
PAL (Phase Alternating Line)
PAL (Programmable Array Logic)
PASE (Portable Application Solutions Environment)
PATA (Parallel ATA)
PBL (Primary Boot Load)
PBL (Primary Boot Loader)
PCB (Printed Circuit Board)
PCMCIA (Personal Computer Memory Card International Association)
PCN (Product Change Notification)
PDA (Product Development Assessment)
PDET (Power detector)
PDN (Power Distribution Network)
PDP (Project Development Plan)
PES (Project Engineer for Safety)
PFH (Probability of dangerous Failure per Hour)
PFMEA (Process FMEA see FMEA)
PGA (Pin Grid Array)
PHASE (Portable Host Access System Environment)
PHODET (Photo Detector)
PHY (PHYsical layer. Electrical component for data coding and decoding between pure digital and modulated channel)
PID (Packet Identifier)
PIR (Passive Infrared Sensors)
PKE ( Passive Keyless Entry)
PLC (Product Life Cycle)
PLCC (Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier)
PLCCS (Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier Socket Square)
PLGM (Power LiftGate Module)
PLL (Phase-Locked Loop)
PLM (Product Lifecycle Management)
PM (Power management)
PMHF (Probabilistic Metric for Random Hardware Failures)
PMIC (Power management integrated circuit)
PMOS   (P-channel  Metal Oxide Semiconductor)
PNC (Partial Network Cluster)
POR (Power-On-Reset)
POT (Potentiometer)
PPAP (Production Part Approval Process)
PPU (Peripheral Protection Unit)
PQFN (Pull-back Quad Flat No-lead)
PROM (Programmable Read Only Memory)
PS (Power Supply)
PSE (Project Safety Engineer)
PSON (Pull-back Small Outline No-lead)
PTC (Production Test Concept)
PTC  (Positive Temperature Coefficient)
PTH (Plated Through Hole)
PTN (Product Termination Notification)
PTS (Product Test Specification)
PV (Product Validation)
PVR (Personal video recorder)
PWM (Pulse Width Modulation)
PWR (Power)
Q (Transistor)
QFN (Quad Flat No-lead)
QFP (Quad Flat Package)
QMP (Quality Manager for Product)
QMPP (Quality Manager for Product in Production)
QP (Qualification Program)
QZSS (Quasi-Zenith Satellite System)
R (Resistance)
R (Resistor)
R/C (Resistor -Capacitor Circuit(Resistor in Series and Capacitor in parallel at output))
RAM (Random Access Memory)
RB (Reverse Battery)
RBP (Reverse Battery Protection)
RC (Resistor -Capacitor Circuit(Resistor in Series and Capacitor in parallel at output))
RCA (Radio Corporation of America)
RCF (Relative Centrifugal Force)
Rd (Damping resistor)
RDBS (Radio Broadcast Data System)
RDS (Radio Data System)
RDS (Resistance from Drain to Source)
Rds (Resistance from Drain to Source)
ReDTC (ReDesign To Cost)
REG (Regulators)
RESAD (Resistor Axial Diameter Horizontal Mounting)
RESADV (Resistor Axial Diameter Vertical Mounting )
RESAR (Resistor Axial Rectangular Horizontal Mounting)
RESC (Resistor Chip)
RESCAF (Resistor Chip Array Flat)
RESCAXE (Resistor Chip Array Convex E-Version (Even Pin Size))
RESCAXS (Resistor Chip Array Convex S-Version (Side Pins Diff))
RESM (Resistor Molded)
Rf (Feedback resistor)
RF (Radio Frequency)
RFI (Radio Frequency Interference)
RGMII (Reduced Gigabit Ethernet Media Independent Interface)
RH (Relative humidity)
RHFT (Random Hardware Failure Target values)
RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer)
RKE (Remote Keyless Entry Key)
RL (Load Resistance)
RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances)
ROM (Read Only Memory)
RPM (Revolutions Per Minute)
RPM (Rotations Per Minute)
RPN (Risk Priority Number)
RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator)
RST (Reset)
RT (Room Temperature)
RTC (Real Time Clock)
RTF (Rich Text Format)
RTOS (Real-Time Operating System)

S (Second)
S (Severity)
S (Source)
S/s (Samples per second)
S2E (Serial-to-Ethernet)
SAE (Society for Automotive Engineers)
SATA (Serial ATA)
SAW (Surface Acoustic Wave filter)
SBAS (Satellite Based Augmentation System)
SBC (System Basis Chip)
SC (Short Circuit)
SC (Smart Card)
SC (Supercapacitors)
SCB (Short Circuit to Battery)
SCG (Short Circuit to Ground)
SCL (System Control Layer)
SCTE Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers
SD (Secure Digital)
SD (Standard definition)
SDR (Single Data Rate. Data sampled only once within a clock cycle. fDATA = ½ x fCLK)
SDRAM (Synchronous Dynamic Random-Access Memory)
SDT (Schematic Design Tools)
SDTV (Standard Definition Television)
SECAM (Séquentiel Couleur Avec Mémoire (French Color TV Standard))
SenML (Sensor Markup Language)
SFPS (Early identification of single failure points)
SFS (Streaming File System)
SG (Safety Goal)
SHE (Secure Hardware Extension)
SHIELD (Shield, off the shelf)
SIM (Subscriber Identification Module)
SIP (Single-In-Line Package)
SIR (Surface Insulation Resistance)
SJB (Smart Junction Box)
SM (Safety Mechanism)
SMC (Stepper Motor Controller)
SMSC (Standard Microsystems Corporation)
SMT (Surface mount technology)
SnPb (Tin-Lead (for solder))
SoC (System on Chip)
SOD (Small Outline Diode)
SODFL (Small Outline Diode Flat Lead)
SOIC (Small Outline Integrated Circuit)
SOJ (Small Outline IC J-Leaded)
SON (Small Outline No-lead)
SOP (Small Outline Package)
SOP (Start Of Production)
SOTFL (Small Outline Transistor Flat Lead)
SOW (Statement Of Work)
SPA (Scalable Product Architecture)
SPDT (Single Pole Double Throw)
SPDT (Single Pole Double Transition)
SPFM (Single Point Fault Metric)
SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface)
SPKR (Speaker)
SPST (Single Pole Single Throw)
SPST (Single Pole Single Transition)
SPT (Short Plate Test)
SQFP (Shrink Quad Flat Packages)
SQM (Software Quality Manager)
SRDY (Slave Ready)
SRO (Solder resistant opening)
SSOP (Shrink Small Outline Package)
SSR (Solid State Relay)
SSS (Selective Solder Strip)
SSTL (Stub Series Terminated Logic)
STB (Set Top Box)
STBY (Stand by)
STIF (Stiffner)
STP (Shielded Twisted-Pair)
SW (Software)
SW (Switch)
SWA (Software Architect)
SWBL (SoftWare Boot Loader)
SWC (SoftWare Component)
SWCE (SoftWare Configuration Element)
SWD  (Serial Wire Debug)
SWDD (Software Detail Design)
SWE (Software Engineer)
SWLM (SoftWare Load Module)
SWP (SoftWare local Parameter)
SWP (SoftWare Platform)
SWP1 (SoftWare Parameter)
SWPC (Software Program Code)
SWRS (Software Requirement Specification)
T (Temperature)
T (Tera)
T (Tesla)
T (Transistor)
TBC (To Be Confirmed)
TBD (To Be Determined)
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
TCXO (Temperature-Compensated Crystal Oscillator)
TDES (Triple Data Encryption Standard)
THERM (Thermistor)
TI (Texas Instruments)
TLP (Technical Logic Plan)
TMPS (Tire Monitoring Pressure System)
TMPS (Tire-Pressure Monitoring System)
TO (Transistor Outlines (JEDEC Standard Package) – JEDEC Number)
TO (Voltage Regulator (JEDEC Standard Package) – JEDEC Number)
TP (Test Plan)
TP (Test Point)
TP (Test Point)
TQFP (Thin Quad Flat Package)
TR (Technical Regulation)
TR (Technical Regulation)
TRANS (Transistor Outlines, Custom)
TRIM (Trimmer)
TRM (Technical Reference Manual)
TRNG (True Random Number Generator)
TS (Transport Stream)
TSC (Technical Safety Concept)
TSD (Thermal Shutdown Detection)
TSD (Threshold)
TSOP (Thin Small Outline Package)
TSQFP (Thin Shrink Quad Flat Packages)
TSR (Technical Safety Requirement)
TSSOP (Thin Shrink Small Outline Package)
TTFF (Time to First Fix)
TTSC (Telit Technical Support Centre)
TVS (Transient Voltage Suppressors)
TVSP (Transient Voltage Suppressors, Polarized)
TW (Thermal Warning)
u (micro)
UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter)
uC (Microcontroller)
UDS (Unified Diagnostic Services)
UL (Load Voltage)
ULPI (Utmi+ Low Pin Interface)
UM (Usage Mode)
UMM (Usage Mode Manager)
UMM  (Usage Mode Manager)
UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunication System)
UPnP (Universal Plug and Play)
USB (Universal Serial Bus)
USM (Under Hood Module)
UV (Under Voltage)
UWB (Ultra Wideband)
V (Volt)
V2X (Vehicle to Everything)
VAR (Varistor)
VBATT (Battery Power Supply)
Vbe (Voltage Base-Emitter)
VBF (Versatile Binary Format)
VCC (Generic naming convention for power supply pin)
Vcc (Voltage (at) collector)
VCC (Volvo Car Corporation)
Vce (Voltage Collector-Emitter)
VCO (Voltage Controlled Oscillator)
VDD (Voltage (at) Drain)
Vdd (Voltage (at) drain)
Vds (Voltage Drain-Source)
Vee (Voltage (at) emitter)
Vf (Voltage Forward)
VFC (Virtual Function Cluster)
VGA (Video Graphics Array)
Vgd (Voltage Gate-Drain)
Vgs (Voltage Gate-Source)
Vin (Voltage input)
VMM (Vehicle Mode Management)
VNA (Vector Network Analyzer)
Voltage drop (Transient voltage drop)
Vout (Voltage output)
VPP (Vehicle Program Plan)
VSS (Generic naming convention for ground pin)

VSWR (Voltage Standing Wave Ratio)
VT (Threshold Voltage)
W (Watt)
W (Weber)
WAAS (Wide Area Augmentation System)
WAN (Wide Area Networks)
WB (Wideband)
WCA (Worst Case Analyse)
WCC ( Worst Case Calculation)
WCDMA (Wideband Code Division Multiple Access)
WCO (Watch Crystal Oscillator)
WDT (Watchdog Timer)
WF (Wettable flanks)
Wh (Watt hour)
Wi-Fi (Wireless Internet Free Internet)
Win (Windows)
WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network)
WLPSP (Wafer Level Pico Scale Package)
WPC (Wireless Power Charging)
WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup)
Ws (Watt-second)
WSI (WLAN to Serial interface)
WSR (Warranty Service Request)
WU (Wake-up Unit)
WWW (World Wide Web)
XDCR (Transducers (IRDA))
XFMR (Transformers)
xSP (Hosted Service Provider)
XTAL (Crystal)
yr (year)
Z (Impedance)
Z (Zener Diode)
Z (Zener)
ZIF (Zero Insertion Force)
Zin (Input Impedance)
Zout (Output Impedance)

Tutorials in the category: Other

  • Abbreviations in Electrical & Electronics Engineering
  • Useful links in Engineering and Science
  • What is a VSWR, reflection coefficient and reflection and forward power?