PCB-3D Models is a project started by electronic engineers from Novi Sad, Serbia, within the company PCB-3D.
The devotion to hardware projects, electronics and interest in 3D modeling has inspired PCB-3D team to constantly improve the database of 3D STEP Models and Altium footprints on the website.
PCB-3D team also published a lot of articles and tutorials from the categories: Altium Designer Tutorials, IPC standards, PCB design and other.
Job description:
Tasks involved:
Creating 3D models of electronics components in SolidWorks
Creating schematics simbols and footprint of electronics components in Altium Designer
Good knowledge of SolidWorks
Good knowledge of Altium Designer
Good communication skills
Fluent in English
If you are interested in this job position, you can send us your resume in English language via an-email.