Create a new FPGA Project

Follow next few steps in order to create a new FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) Project in Altium Designer:

1. Select File->New->Project from the menus (top left Main Menu of Altium window) (for details see the image below)

2. Mark FPGA Project from the Project Types list (for details see the image below)
3. Set a FPGA Project name in the field Name (for example FPGA) (for details see the image below)
4. Set Location of a FPGA Project in the field Location or Browse Location (for example D:/Lib) (for details see the image below)

5. Press OK
6. The new file FPGA.PrjFpg will appear in the Projects panel (for details see the image below)


(note: if Projects panel is not displayed on the screen, select System from the bottom right menu of the main Altium window and choose Projects (for details see the image below))

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